
From Theory to Practice: Studies + Internship = Benefits

Finding a job can be a great challenge, especially due to the lack of work experience. That’s why internships are an essential bridge into the working world for college students who consider obtaining valuable work experience and wish to gain some money during their study journey.

Since internships are the building blocks necessary to create the path for a successful career, here are some of the most important benefits you will gain by completing an internship:

1. Gain valuable work experience

The hands-on work experience interns receive is invaluable and gives the opportunity for students to apply acquired knowledge into real work experiences and witness firsthand the day-to-day job duties they can expect to encounter in their chosen field.

2. Explore a career path

Internships give you the chance to test-run the knowledge gained while learning new skills in class. Moreover, you will have the chance to learn more about the Hospitality industry and decide if this field is right for you. By graduation, students who gained work experience are more likely to feel confident about their degree choice.

B.H.M.S. Intership - From Theory to Practice    B.H.M.S. Lucerne, Intership - From Theory to Practice    B.H.M.S. Intership - From Theory to Practice  

3. Give yourself an edge in the job market

One of the most important internship benefits is that college graduates who already have some work experience in the form of an internship stand out to potential employers. Internship experience makes a college grad more marketable as they usually require less training and can handle more responsibilities.

4. Develop and refine skills

You can learn a lot about your strengths and weaknesses during an internship, and as you will complete international internships you will be able to see the world and work from a different perspective ready to adapt to any working environment.

B.H.M.S. Lucerne, Intership - From Theory to Practice    B.H.M.S. Intership - From Theory to Practice     B.H.M.S. Intership - From Theory to Practice

5. Receive financial compensation

Internships provided by BHMS are paid and you will be able to gain valuable work experience and make money at the same time. Industry training salaries in Switzerland are negotiated between the employer and the Federal Employee Union and are presently set at CHF 2'212 per month gross salary.

6. Network with professionals in the Hospitality field

As an intern, you will be surrounded by professionals in the industry. Internships provide an opportunity to learn from the people around you, ask questions, and impress. These connections will help you to create a network full of references from the individuals you worked with. Such references can provide you with recommendation letters and introductions that will help you find new opportunities.

 B.H.M.S.Lucerne, Intership - From Theory to Practice     B.H.M.S. Intership - From Theory to Practice    B.H.M.S. Lucerne - Intership - From Theory to Practice

7. Gain confidence

While completing an internship you will be able to put into test specific techniques you have learned in the classroom and before entering the working world. This will be the time to demonstrate the knowledge you gained during study time in a safe environment where mistakes are expected.

8. Transition into a job

By doing an internship, you will learn effective communication skills, discipline, and efficient management of time. Internships also are great tools to improve your chances as a job applicant, so make the investment in your career and look into becoming an intern by combining studies with internship training.

B.H.M.S. Intership - From Theory to Practice    B.H.M.S. Intership - From Theory to Practice     B.H.M.S. Intership - From Theory to Practice

B.H.M.S. provides the knowledge and the hands-on experience you need to succeed in today’s demanding workforce. With degree programs in Hospitality management, Global/Business Management and in Culinary Arts, B.H.M.S. offers a wide range of in-demand degree programs to suit your career interests.

Read more articles about international industry training and our students' internship experience:

Further information about the offered programs:

Hotel and Hospitality Management

Diploma in Hospitality Management                 |     MBA Dual Degree 

Higher Diploma in Hospitality Management     |     M.Sc Degree in International Hospitality Business Management

Bachelor Degree in Hospitality Management   |     Postgraduate Diploma Hospitality Management

Global Business Management

Bachelor Degree in Global Management

M.Sc. Degree in Global Business Management

MBA Dual Degree

Culinary Arts

Diploma Culinary Arts

Higher Diploma Culinary Arts

Bachelor Degree in Culinary Arts

Postgraduate Diploma in Culinary Arts